Manuel Holgado Pretell

Volver a Bachilleres
Nickname “Chino” “Panda” “Nuel”
Place of birth Buenos Aires
Date of birth 1/22/2001
BDS since 2014
House South
House responsibilities IGCSE:  History, Combined Science, Mathematics, Language, Spanish, Literature, IT, Economics. AS level: Mathematics, History. ICE Diploma. USA High School Diploma
School responsibilities BDS Orchestra  (Guitar, Trombone) , BDS Choir
International Qualifications Exchange Student
Highlights and Awards
International experiences Ernst & Young
Service TECHO; Colegio Madre Teresa; Fundación SI M3 fest; Tapitas; Recreos Solidarios; Desayunos Solidarios; Torneo de Futbol; Kermesse  El Palmar; ILE; Fundación SI; Germinare
School Prizes
Other prizes
School Plays Legally Blonde:Cast. The Wedding Singer: Backstage.
Sports First team Rugby, Captain Rugby Intermediate 2017
Athletic awards 2ndo Lugar Disco; 3er Lugar Jabalina 2017; 3er Lugar Disco; 3er Lugar Jabalina; 3er Lugar Posta 4×400 2018; Campeón ADE Futbol Senior 2018; Pre-seleccionado ADE Sudafrica 2017 Rugby; Interhouse Champion with South 2018 Overall
International tours UK- Italy Tour2018
Future career and University Ciencias Sociales Di Tella