Esteban Francisco Rolandelli

Volver a Bachilleres
Nickname Colo/Roland/Roly
Place of birth Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date of birth 8/16/2001
BDS since 2015
House West
House responsibilities Combined Science, Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Spanish Language, History, ICT . Chemistry, Physics.Mathematics . ICE Diploma, US High School Diploma (Dual Diploma).
School responsibilities UN Model, BDS Choir, BDS Orchestra – Violín
International Qualifications
Highlights and Awards Mathematics olympics 2019. Ernst & Young.
International experiences
Service Techo, ILE, Fundación si
School Prizes
Other prizes
School Plays Les Misérables:Leading Role. Legally Blonde: Leading Role. The Wedding Singer: Cast. Blood Brothers: Cast. 13: Cast.
Sports Rugby, Athletics
Athletic awards Athletics Yes 2018/2019 Gold Medal shot 2016/ Silver Medal shot 2019/ partido ADE Rugby Norte Sur 2019
International tours Rugby 2019
Future career and University Ingenieria Industrial. ITBA