Mateo Boudourian

Volver a Bachilleres
Nickname Bou
Place of birth Buenos Aires
Date of birth 4/9/2001
BDS since 2012
House North, Captain
House responsibilities IGCSE:  History, Mathematics, Combined Science, First Language Spanish, First Language English, ICT and Economics. AS level: Language, Mathematics. ICE Diploma.
School responsibilities
International Qualifications Exchange Student
Highlights and Awards
International experiences Ernst & Young
Service Techo
School Prizes
Other prizes
School Plays
Sports Athletics school captain 2018
Athletic awards 2015-2016-2017-2018 athletics champion boy, 2018 school athletics HERTEN CHAMPIONSHIP CUP. 2018 Athletic captain. 2018 discus school record and 2017-2018 shot put school record.
International tours
Future career and University Business administration USA