Sabrina Ana Groisman

Volver a Bachilleres
Nickname Hongo
Place of birth Buenos Aires
Date of birth 2/6/2002
BDS since 2007
House North
House responsibilities Combined Science, Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Spanish Language, Art & Design, History, Economics . English Language, English Literature, Digital Media and Design, Global Perspectives and Research, Mathematics.Spanish . ICE Diploma, AICE Diploma.
School responsibilities ESSARP ART FESTIVAL, UN Model, BDS Choir. Piano / Teclado
International Qualifications
Highlights and Awards Round Square Regional Conference 2018.  D’ Alfonso.
International experiences
Service Creando Sonrisas since 2016, Madre Teresa School and Jardín Santa Ana, Palmar, ILE, Germinare, Germinare Coaching, TECHO, and the annual Kermesse.
School Prizes 2016, 2017, 2018. Never absent and never late 2015.
Other prizes
School Plays Les Misérables:Cast. Legally Blonde: Cast. The Wedding Singer: Cast. Blood Brothers: Cast. 13: Cast. Joseph: Cast.
Sports Volleyball
Athletic awards
International tours International England – Italy tour 2018
Future career and University Ciencias Sociales Di Tella